Ledger® Live* Login | Getting Started

Take control of your digital finances effortlessly. Ledger Live Login offers a user-friendly interface for managing your cryptocurrency securely.

Yes, you can access Ledger Live without connecting a Ledger hardware wallet. Ledger Live offers a "Watch" feature that allows users to track and monitor cryptocurrency accounts that are not directly associated with a Ledger hardware wallet. This feature enables users to keep an eye on the balance and transaction history of external cryptocurrency accounts without needing to connect a hardware wallet.

Here's how the "Watch" feature works in Ledger Live:

  1. Add Account: In Ledger Live, users can add a new account and select the option to "Watch" an account. They can specify the cryptocurrency and provide the public address of the external account they wish to monitor.

  2. Track Balance and Transactions: Ledger Live will then display the balance and transaction history for the watched account, allowing users to track incoming and outgoing transactions. Users can view details such as transaction amounts, dates, and status directly within the application.

  3. No Private Key Access: It's important to note that the "Watch" feature in Ledger Live only allows users to monitor external accounts and view their public transaction data. Users do not have access to the private keys of these accounts and cannot initiate transactions or make changes to the account settings through Ledger Live.

  4. Limited Functionality: While the "Watch" feature provides convenient access to account information for external cryptocurrency addresses, users will have limited functionality compared to accounts associated with a Ledger hardware wallet. For example, they cannot send transactions or sign messages using these watched accounts.

Overall, the "Watch" feature in Ledger Live allows users to keep track of external cryptocurrency accounts and monitor their balances and transactions directly within the application, providing added convenience and flexibility for managing their cryptocurrency holdings.

Last updated